Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Embarrassed Conservative American Patriot

As a truly Conservative American Patriot, I was chagrined and embarrassed by a recent solicitation from the radical Republican Party to contribute to the McCain-Palin campaign. Chagrined that my name appears on a radical Republican solicitation list and embarrassed that anyone would think that I would support or donate to a wrong-wing radical Republican candidate after America’s experience over the past eight years, and John McCain’s performance as a candidate. The radical Republicans over that the last eight years have worked day and night – perhaps an exaggeration as Bush II generally doesn’t work at all – to destroy America at home and weaken it abroad. After letting 9-11 occur due to gross ineptitude, the Bush II Administration has yet to capture Osama ben Laden or put an end to Al Queda. What mission was accomplished and who can’t hide? We are now disrespected abroad with Bush II’s buddy Putin making a fool of us in Georgia. Iraq’s a failure. We can’t seem to leave the place or even define victory, let alone achieve it. Afghanistan is a quagmire. Bush II is spreading the war to Pakistan. At home, we are in a recession bordering on depression with increasing poverty and unemployment and decreasing income, catastrophic banking and financial systems, worsening schools, and a joke of a homeland security agency that bungled relief to Katrina’s and Ike’s victims. Was the label "Homeland" ever used for America before 9.11? Do you feel safer now than 8 years ago?

McCain can’t keep his geography or enemies straight. He can't retain a basic knowledge of economics or the number of homes he owns. Perhaps McCain can educate us on the fundamentals of the economy that are strong. He selects a vice presidential candidate to appeal to the trailer park trash vote. She wants to be only one heartbeat away from the presidency, if that far, but couldn’t she teach her daughter to just say NO. Or was she too busy to pay attention? (Remember these are the wrong-wing fundamentalists’ logic.) McCain is not a maverick, he’s just plain dumb. And the radical Republicans have the gall to ask with a straight face for four more years of this? With McCain-Palin, who is the pig and who is the lipstick?

As a true Conservative American Patriot believing in America’s values and the Constitution with its limits on federal and executive power, I cannot vote for radical Republicans hiding under a conservative label.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for these excellent observations, will comment more later. Appreciate your application of 'radical' to the GOP -- Eisenhower wouldn't recognize his Party.

By the Bay

Anonymous said...

Insightful points and refreshing perspective -- you lay it all out there, frightening as it is. The Republican party has nominated candidates with all ambition and no sense of service. This can only lead to bumbling at best and with these current crises will cause further harm to the economy, our schools, health care and ability to function as a nation state.

Anonymous said...

The scare tactics are increasing in campaign rhetoric. Will the public move beyond its numbness beofe it is too late?

Anonymous said...

let's hear more -- what are your thoughts about the financial problems -- are free markets so important?